Lucas Carr
I'm a masters student at the University of Cape Town under the supervision of Tommie Meyer and Sergei Obiedkov. I am also a member of AIRU in South Africa.
Cape Town, South Africa
email: crrluc003 [@]
I'm a masters student at the University of Cape Town under the supervision of Tommie Meyer and Sergei Obiedkov. I am also a member of AIRU in South Africa.
Cape Town, South Africa
email: crrluc003 [@]
I have a bachelors with a double major in Philosophy and Computer Science, and am currently pursuing my masters in CS. I spent four months (April - July 2024) in Dresden with Sebastian Rudolph's Computational Logic group, which is where I first started looking at formal concept analysis. This has since become the topic of my masters research, where I am developing an approach to bring KLM-style non-monotonic reasoning to the attribute logic of FCA.
Non-monotonic Extensions to Formal Concept Analysis via Object Preferences